Training the community
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Monaghan is a town with an average salary of 22k, which is below the national average. Getting their current community employed in high value jobs is a big priority!
With no template, but a can-do attitude, the team set about understanding how we could help that. We ended up securing Workplaceless certifications, together with Monaghan County Council, Enterprising Monaghan and The Town Team - we led the first in person remote certification programme.
Cost: 0, Participants: 12, Employers Engaged: 5. Volunteer time: Time intensive (as it is new)
Workplaceless are one of two remote work certification programmes (the other is remote how) They are used in America as part of the Rural Online Initiative aiming to get rural people employed.
Finbarr Daly who runs the local enterprise centre was trained up as a facilitators in workplaceless and brings in all candidates every Thursday evening. We also engage remote employers to run mock interviews and Q&A sessions.
As with all chapters, these concepts are still new and the goal here is to support local government agencies in testing the training so that they can roll it out themselves, if desired. This means that any chapter will be able to re-skill their local community without having to ask for sponsorship each time.
Tubbercurry is Ireland's first smart community, and a part of that is understanding how we can use digital, and digital jobs, to help our communties.
The local chapter brought on board Shauna Moran, ex Shopify and with a masters in remote work, she was the perfect candidate. We hosted it in the local work space (An Chroi) and advertised it here: